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February 16, 2012

Compensation Board Conference Room, Richmond

Council Members Present
David N. Grimes (Pittsylvania County), Chairman
Michael R. Doucette (Lynchburg), First Vice Chairman
Raymond F. Morrogh (Fairfax), Secretary
Robert B. Beasley (Powhatan), Past Chairman
Council District Representatives:
Robert L. Bushnell (Henry County)
Christian E. Rehak (Radford)
Raymond F. Morrogh (Fairfax)

Other Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Present
William B. Bray (Colonial Heights)
Paul B. Ebert (Prince William County)
E.M. Wright, Jr. (Buckingham County)
James R. Ennis (Prince Edward County)
Gary L. Close (Culpeper County)

CASC Staff Present
Robert Q. Harris
Jane Sherman Chambers

Call to Order
Mr. Grimes called the meeting to order at 11:36 a.m.

The draft minutes from the January 24, 2012, meeting were previously posted and circulated to Council.  The minutes were approved as submitted.

Chairman’s Report
Mr. Grimes announced that Tracey DeBord earned CASC a perfect score on the recent audit.  Mr. Harris explained how the audit is performed.  Mr. Grimes congratulated Ms. DeBord for her success.  Mr. Grimes also expressed appreciation to Ms. Heard for her Facebook update efforts.  Mr. Grimes inquired if members are interested in updating the Commonwealth’s Attorneys’ Handbook.  Mr. Harris informed Council that several chapters are under construction by volunteers.  Mr. Harris explained that the updates will be in digital form because CASC does not have funds sufficient to print out copies.  Mr. Grimes suggested creating a list of topics and asking for volunteers.  Mr. Rehak pointed out that there are entirely new topics to address, such as computer crimes and pornography.  Mr. Doucette requested that this be brought up at the next Council meeting, which will be held at Spring Institute, because there will be many more Commonwealth’s Attorneys in attendance.

Administrator’s Report
Mr. Harris reviewed the agenda items:

  1. District 7 Council Representative vacancy volunteers:  Gary Close (Culpeper), Billy    Davenport (Chesterfield), Shannon Taylor (Henrico), Rusty McGuire (Louisa).


Mr. Davenport was nominated and was unanimously selected.

  1. Spring Institute – April 15 – 18, 2012 – Norfolk Marriott


Von Schuch & Duvall Award Nominations:  Mr. Harris announced that nomination memos have been emailed to all Commonwealth’s Attorneys.   The deadline for nomination letters is February 29, 2012.  Ms. Chambers will forward nomination letter packets to Board members for a vote.

  1. Case Management Vendors at Spring Institute (and fee)

Mr. Harris announced that at least one case management company is interested in being a vendor at Spring Institute.   Mr. Bushnell moved that Mr. Harris be instructed to determine if CASC is allowed to collect vendor fees and that, to the extent allowed, CASC will permit case management vendors at Spring Institute.  The motion passed unanimously.

  1. CASC Budget Issue and S.I. Registration fees

Mr. Harris discussed how CASC training programs are funded.  Council discussed the methods by which CASC could use such funding most effectively and directed Mr. Harris to make the most efficient use of grants and general funds for training programs.

Old Business

New Business

There being no further business before Council, the meeting adjourned at 12:00 noon.  The next regularly scheduled meeting is Sunday, April 15, 2012, at 1:00 p.m., at the Norfolk Waterside Marriott.