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July 29, 2020

State of Emergency - Zoom Teleconference

Council Members Present
Jeffrey W. Haislip (Fluvanna County), Chairman
Shannon L. Taylor (Henrico County), Secretary
Roy F. Evans (Smyth County), Past Chairman

Council District Representatives:
1.LaBravia J. Jenkins (Fredericksburg)
3.Georgette C. Phillips (Isle of Wight)
5.Megan L. Clark (Prince Edward County)
6.David L. Ledbetter (Waynesboro)
9.Charles H. Slemp, III (Wise County)
10.Amy M. Ashworth (Prince William County)

Other Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Present


Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorneys Present

CASC Staff Present
Jane Sherman Chambers
Elliott Casey
Larry Martin
Nancy Oglesby
Jake Lambert
Tracey DeBord
Marian Heard

VACA Staff Present

Call to Order
Mr. Haislip called the meeting to order at 9:01 a.m. He reminded all attendees calling in to the meeting to email Ms. Chambers so that their attendance can be recorded.

The draft minutes from the June 3, 2020, meeting were previously posted and circulated to Council. The minutes were approved as submitted.

Chairman’s Report

Administrator’s Report
Ms. Chambers thanked CASC staff, particularly Elliott Casey and Marian Heard, for all their excellent work in switching this week’s Annual Summer Conference to an online format. Ms. Chambers explained that in view of the late COVID-19 related cancellation of the in-person Annual Summer Conference, she wanted to bring the issue of CASC’s remaining summer and upcoming fall training programs to Council for their input before making decisions to go either live or online.

Old Business

Richmond Training and Office Space Update
Ms. Chambers reported that the Richmond office space is essentially done, although some remaining smaller items still need to be completed. It is available to use for meetings and small training programs.

New Business

2020 Curriculum Retreat Status
Ms. Chambers reported that CASC does not have a signed contract for the 2020 Curriculum Retreat because of COVID-19 concerns. She suggested reducing the event to a one-day meeting on September 2, 2020, at the new office in Richmond. Because much of the 2020 Spring Institute agenda was put on hold because of the COVID-19 transition to an online format, much of that planning already has been done. Council members agreed that this a good solution.

Upcoming CASC Training Events
Ms. Chambers reported that some CASC programs already are being transitioned to online because of faculty safety concerns. Jake Lambert reported that he has transitioned his August Advanced DUI and DUID programs to an online format. Larry Martin reported that CASC’s gang training will be streamlined for an online format, as well. Nancy Oglesby reported that her upcoming child abuse and sexual assault training programs are much better in person, so she asked for approval to hold them in a live, but COVID-modified, format. Elliott Casey reported that his upcoming economic crimes and homicide programs are on-hold to see how the COVID situation develops. Council approved all the foregoing. The remaining issue of immediate concern is the 2020 Executive Program, but because that is also the VACA annual meeting, that discussion will be delayed until the next joint Board & Council meeting. Members decided to hold that meeting on August 12, 2020.

Phone Attendees
Mr. Haislip reminded people attending this meeting by phone to please send Ms. Chambers an email confirming their participation.

Public Comment

There being no further business before Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:34 a.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting is on Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at 12:00 noon.